Could you use some extra nourishment and vitality? If so, tune in and learn the simple pleasure practice you can do to nourish yourself from the inside out. It’s time to ditch surface level self care and fill that cup in a lasting and meaningful way.

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Nourish Yourself With This Simple Pleasure Practice

  • Sexual energy is life force energy
  • Self care on a deeper level
  • The simple pleasure practice that nourishes you from the inside out

Show Notes


Hello, today I am giving you one simple tip to learn to nourish yourself through pleasure. This particular tip or self pleasure practice is actually my first ever exposure to the world of Tantra and sexual empowerment and so I’m really excited to share with you today, perhaps pique your interest, and just offer you a quick practical way that you can really upgrade your self care game through your relationship with your pleasure and with your sexual energy.

So as I have touched on in previous episodes, I won’t get too too into it, but I will link the episode where I go into more depth on the topic and how our sexual energy is our life force energy. And it is this buildup within our body of energy. And we can feel it when we are in the moment.

We can feel this energy moving through our body. And the more you get into slow pleasure and sacred sexuality, especially you begin to learn how to really play with this energy. And so what you can begin to do is really learn how to use it in different ways. You can learn it to really nourish yourself.

You can learn to use it for manifestation, which can be a lot of fun. And I would say those are two of the main ways. That I use sexual energy as well as sexual energy transmutation. And I can’t remember if I have a podcast episode on that, but I do have a very in depth blog post on the topic. Now that I’m speaking about it, I’m going to have to revisit that, and if I don’t have a specific podcast episode on it, perhaps I’ll have to do that in the future, because it is very important.

The most popular blog post on the website and it’s pretty cool the different things you can do. Bob Proctor and different self development gurus talk about sexual energy transmutation in their own flavor. And so sex magic just happens to be my chosen flavor and where you can really think about use this sexual energy in different ways, transmute this energy into different creations, whether that is in your business, in your life, through manifestation.

So those are just a few different ways to give you a glimpse, but bringing it back down to this specific, quick little pleasure practice, if you will, that I want to share with you. is to bring your focus to orgasms. And so if you think about it,

most people when they reach climax, it can be this like great feeling, this great buildup.

And then it just is kind of like poof and gone. It’s just like poof and very outward. There’s obviously a release. It feels great. But that energy, Just kind of dissipates after and this energy is, again, as I touch it, it is touched by This is the most potent life force energy, creation energy, like this is the most potent energy there really is in my opinion, it is what literally creates life.

And so when you can learn to really use this energy, in this case to nourish yourself, you’re really working with what you already have, but just learning to do it in kind of Maximizing way instead of that poof gone There is ways to actually use it to nourish your body to keep it within you And use that energy to fuel you, to heal you, to really nourish you from the inside out.

And so that is why I feel like embodiment practices, like the ones I have in the Unapologetic Practices Collection, really upgrade your self care game. And I know that’s something I experience personally. And again, I see it with my clients and most typically self care can be thought of as what I kind of categorize as frou frou self care or very like to do list self care.

And so again, they all have a time and place. But in frou frou self care, that’s more surface level. This can be having the nice face mask and, doing those quick things that give kind of instant gratification or instant nourishment, but again, it’s very surface level is not very deep or long lasting.

There can also be like saying, going out doing certain things. You can feel the difference. There might be meeting with particular people, it’s very surface level, and it can be fun in the moment, but there isn’t actually longer lasting nourishment or connection from it. Comparatively, when you are with the right people, when you are with your besties, or when you are connecting in circle, like these women’s circles that I co facilitate with Melissa DiNozzo, these community connections truly nourish you on this deep, deep level.

And so that is how you can play with. pleasure practice within your self care game to really go past that surface level and begin to really nourish yourself on that deeper level because journaling can be really helpful. It offers a lot of introspection. I love journaling and when you weave embodiment practices and pleasure practices into things.

It goes deeper and really offers this nourishment as well as you can go into ways of reprogramming yourself and rewiring your nervous system and all these things that I touched on a recent podcast episode that I will also link in the show notes so I won’t get too much into that. But it just, it really impacts you and it impacts the way you feel because you’re able to actually fill up that cup and sustain it at that full level.

So you begin to operate from that state of overflow that we all hear about. Like

I’ve spoken with moms who say that it feels like their cup is just Had a bunch of holes stabbed in it. And so it is just constantly leaking out and pouring out everywhere. And they can try their best to fill it up with all these different things off of the surface level, more froufrou kind of self-care things, but their energy, their life force is still just pouring out and they can’t keep up and there is no way they can operate from a state of overflow.

And so being able to weave in. embodiment practices and I would argue to say like things like journaling can help plug up some of those leaks, right? Having a true support system and that can take many different forms but that helps plug up some of those leaks. Having a coach can definitely help plug up those leaks.

I actually have a particular session, that I’ve been leaving a few clients to recently, which is called Plugging Energy Links. And it’s specifically for, that scenario, is if you have a cap with all these holes in it, and you’re just barely able to stay ahead and to get, any progress with your energy levels with your life force energy because you have all these leaks happening.

So all of things, these things help and they are necessary. And then when it comes to actually filling up your cup, you need something that’s going to last and not just like evaporate away. Right? Because we can pour these little bits in with these more surface level forms of self care. But they don’t last.

They dissipate one way or another. And so this particular Taoist I’d say, hmm, I’m not quite sure the right way of phrasing it because it’s not a full pleasure practice. It can be incorporated into every pleasure practice you do. But I don’t really want to call it a trick. It’s not like a parlor trick, but it is a way of working with your energy.

And so without beating around the bush anymore, I will go into exactly what this practice or way of working with your energy is so you can use it. So this is something I do pretty much. Every time, uh, I get to a state of climax. And that’s what I think is so great about this particular way of working with your energy is it is so accessible.

And I find once you open up your world to it, once you learn to actually incorporate this, like, why wouldn’t you? It’s so accessible, it’s so easy to do, and it truly nourishes you and makes you feel really good. So why wouldn’t you? So what you do is once you are at a state of peak pleasure, climax, whether or not you are actually orgasm or not, it is not a requirement, although it absolutely helps.

But once you have that peak state of energy building within your body, you then focus. You really drop into your senses, feeling that energy moving through your body. And then you actually send it throughout your body. Feeling it swirling around, sending it out through your limbs, all the way to your fingers, to your toes.

Thanks. And really channeling that energy to nourish you, nourish deep in your bones, your blood and your cells. And really just sitting in that, sinking into it with the intention of using this energy to truly nourish you from the inside out, sending it to any aches and pains. And really just Allowing it to bring back that sense of vitality into your body.

And so that is just a really simple way that you can use your pleasure as nourishment. And if you’ve worked with me, if you’re listening to this, you know I use this, and incorporate it into so many meditations and embodiment practices in one way or another. Because again, it is so simple, yet so powerful.

And you can do this anywhere, anytime, of course, like incorporating that pleasure. So I guess perhaps not anytime, but within the realms of this particular, topic, it can be anytime, right? It can be any place, that you’re working with your sexual energy and really using it to nourish yourself. And so you can easily do this on your own, playing around with it.

And if you want to dive in, in a deeper level, taking things further, the Unapologetic Practices is available for you. I incorporate this, like I said, in many different iterations. And it is a way of just really getting in touch with your body. As I mentioned at the beginning, you are really dropping into yourself, dropping into your senses, feeling that energy moving throughout your body.

And so that is a way of really exercising your presence and your mindfulness and your sensuality by being able to focus on that energy and be able to move it through your body. And this exercise, if we want to call it that, is a great stepping stone for things like sex magic and sexual energy transmutation and different things like that.

And being able to work with your different chakras or your microcosmic orbit, whether or not you are looking at a tantric flavor of these things. But there really is a lot you can do with it. So that is my little tidbit for you today. Again, if you’re interested in diving into this more, the Unapologetic Practices is available for you.

It is a library of embodiment practices, specifically aimed at empowering you from the inside out in connecting with your body. Your essence with your life force energy your sexual energy and really being able to cultivate that deep sense of love safety and belonging from the inside out so you can really feel empowered as that multifaceted woman so you can feel confident taking up space So you can really exercise your presence.

You can drop into all of those simple everyday moments of life. I do have a sale going on, I am going to be extending it because life has just been very full. So rather than the sale ending on June 18th, the day that this goes out, I will likely be extending it until June 21st. So for all of those who sign up for annual of unapologetic practices, I will offer a 90 minute carnelian coaching session completely free once your 14 day free trial expires.

I will send you a link to sign up for that to just really support you in your process to be able to identify. some different blocks or obstacles and really support you in the direction you’re wanting to go in your intention for using unapologetic practices, these embodiment practices to support you and whatever that core desire is.

So that is available for you. As always, I am here if you have any questions at all. And there is a 14 day free trial if you just want to check it out, see what it’s all about, try on one or two. And then if it doesn’t work, cancel it, no problem at all. Or you can commit to that annual and receive the 90 minute free coaching session.

That’s it for now. Thank you so much for being with me here today. I would love to hear your thoughts on this practice. If I have peaked your interest or if you’re curious about trying it out or you’ve tried it out, I’d love to hear what you thought.

So you can shoot me an email, info at janinemckinnon. com or shoot me a DM on Instagram at janine. mckinnon. Until next time, trust your wisdom and make some magic.